Comments? Easy.

Hi, there! Welcome to another entry. This is the most easy and simplest topic about Python. In #mastery2 we will talk about how to input commets in your code without affecting it. The only thing you need to do is to type a «#» (hashtag) sign at the begining of the sentence you want and that’s it. You can see them in gray color above in the image.

What relevance do comments have in a code? I don’t know. Maybe you want to teach some delicate and sensitive millenials or your aunts that spend their entire days on social media. The best use for them is to clarify or describe what is happening in some part of the code.

This entry was a short one, thing that you and I appreciate it. Thank you for taking your time to read it. We’ll meet in some cool videos in further entries. Take care, stay tough. Viva Tpughness.

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